Machine Learning ROADMAP

Machine Learning ROADMAP

In this "Machine Learning series", i will document my ML & data science projects and notes for reference.

Table of contents

I searched through many videos on the roadmap for ML and found the following common topics.

Having a rough roadmap will help establish foundational topics that are essential to learn and provide some structure.

Machine learning is one of important skill in the domain of Data science.

I will update this with more topics, and resources as I progress.

  1. Version control (Git and GitHub)

  2. Python

    1. Install Jupyter notebooks

    2. Basic syntax (indentation rules, comments)

    3. Variables , math , if/else, loops, printing

    4. Data types (strings, int, float, boolean, lists, tuple, dictionary)

    5. Functions and classes/objects

    6. Modules, packages and importing

  3. Foundational Math

    • Statistics & Probability(Khan academy course) - conditional probability, Bayes rule, Statistical distributions

    • Linear algebra (Matrices, vectors , eigen vectors/values) (khan academy course)

    • Calculus (Differentiation, Integration) - optimization (gradient descent—>derivatives)

  4. Data Manipulation (preprocessing, cleaning ; visualization)

  • Python Libraries - Pandas, Numpy; matplotib, seaborn

  • Handling Null Values

  • Standardization

  • Handling Categorical Values

  • One-Hot Encoding

  • Feature Scaling

  1. ML core
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement

  • Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Clustering

  • KNN (K Nearest Neighbours)

  • SVM (Support Vector Machine)

  • Decision Trees

  • Random Forests

  • Overfitting, Underfitting

  • Regularization, Gradient Descent, Slope

  • Confusion Matrix

  1. Deep learning
  • Neural networks
  1. Projects


  1. UCI machine learning repository(for datasets)

  2. Kaggle

  3. Roadmap videos